Rose of Charity Children’s Home

by Tinashe Kaseke

  • $29,155.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

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Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Tinashe Kaseke

204 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Rose of Charity was founded by mama Sima in 2008. She started off by feeding 15 children 3 times a week who were dwelling in the streets of Victoria Falls. In the same year a house was acquired in Victoria Falls town where the Home started operating from. The rising number of orphaned and vulnerable children grew the need for a bigger home. More land was acquired to build two more houses in Sizinda which is 15kms from Victoria Falls. The houses provide a place of safety for orphans and vulnerable children, including child migrants coming from as far as the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Home has the following programs:

• Shelter
• New dawn Club
• Education
• Farm
• Community Outreach

Currently the Home is housing 22 children between the ages of 8 months to 17 years and working with 75 from local communities. The Home does not only provide a roof over the children’s heads, but it also provides a warm, safe, and loving home for the children.

The New Dawn Club is an empowerment club comprising of both boys and girls. The club focuses on equipping children with basic life-skills. Currently the Home is working with 60 children between the ages of 9-18 years.

The Home has an Elementary school called Schiffner Elementary which has two classes (ECD A and ECD B). They are currently working on expanding the vision of building a bigger school, Moses Lake Academy which is currently under construction. A road has been constructed, a borehole successfully drilled an electricity connection established. The Home is seeking assistance to continue with the construction of a larger school.

The farm provides nutritional support for the children and the excess produce is sold to local markets for income generation. They produce organic products like tomatoes onions, green mealies, and cabbages.

As a way of giving back to the community, the Home welcomes everyone from their community. The community outreach program helps vulnerable members of the community through the provision of food hampers, medication, school fees etc. To date the Home has worked with over 4800 people from the local community.